28 Mei 2009 yg Tak Terlupakan

>> May 29, 2009

Kemaren tuh tgl 28 mei yg brtepatan dengan ultah aku. Pas dtg ke sekolah sih gue biasa aja, mikirnya juga paling yang laen kayak pura-pura nggak nyapa gitu. Tapi ternyata, it's more than that!!

ACTION 1, Mrs. arifah mad at me and she prohibit me to take the speaking test.

Oh my godness, it's so weird for me. Why?? because I think if i didn't do something that wrong. I don't know if Mrs. Arifah will take the speaking test on wednesday. There are Me, Tika, and Yasmin who didn't have a group to take the test. So, we talk to Mrs. Arifah if we're not in here yesterday and we didn't have a group. But, OH MY GOD!! Mrs. Arifah mad at us and she prohibit us to take the test. She ask us why us didn't here yesterday. Yasmin and Tika said if they sick yesterday and I tell if I didn't here yesterday because I go to the imigration office to take a photo for the passport. After that, she told us to take a letter from Mrs. Ohen. We got it, but there's something weird again!! Mrs. Arifah allow Yasmin and Tika to take the test but she still prohibit me to take the test. OH MY GOD, it's okey and I think if I can't do anything except try to think what happen.

ACTION 2, Mrs. Ohen told my group to repeat the show of sing our song.

Well, when we sing our song in music subject, we think that our performance is not in the maximal mode. Because, that's not balance between music and singing. Mrs. Ohen told us to repeat that when the second break time. It's okay and I don't think if that's weird because I think if that's a normally.

LAST ACTION, Mr. Marsono angry with suddenly to me.

And this is, THE WEIRD THAT HAPPEN on this day. When the sosiology lesson running, I try to understand about this lesson. But sometimes I laughing because my friends. My teacher is still teaching when I laughed at that time but suddenly, my friend come to the teacher and tell about something I DON'T KNOW!! I tried to find my notebook but I see something on there. A BLACK HOUSE LIZARD, yacks.. I laughed and....MY TEACHER MAD at me! What happen?? And bla bla bla. Suddenly he talk to me "Sorry, I couldn't mad at you, your friends tell me to do that."
Oh my god!! That's a surprise for me, a big surprise that I never forget..



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